
Thursday, August 29, 2013

Don't Limit Me.

I'm sure many of you have seen this video floating around the internet or social networking sites, but I still had to share it.  I think it is a wonderful reminder as the new school year begins, not only to those working with children who have special needs, but parents and caregivers as well.  We truly do have a great responsibility in helping the children we work with reach their fullest potential.  I love what Megan said about expectations.  I think this is true for all children!  "Don't limit me by having low expectations for me...Set high expectations, not impossible expectations."  It really is a delicate balance trying to set those expectations and goals that are individualized and appropriate for each child.  

Our teachers follow the HighScope curriculum in their classrooms and I truly feel like this educational approach helps to consider, set, and support those expectations that each child needs to develop skills in all areas, even beyond math and reading like Megan says.  Check out the FAQ section for HighScope or go to their website, if you would like to find out more about this approach.  

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