
Thursday, January 23, 2014

Potatoes, Potatoes, and More Potatoes!

Somewhere, on some site, in some article I saw that January 28th was Potato Day so I got very excited about planning some fun activities around this.  Well, National Potato Day is August 19th and the only thing I could find (again) for the 28th, was Potato Day in England or something.  But being a potato farmer's daughter (and sister, and granddaughter, and niece, and great granddaughter…okay, you get the point) I decided to still celebrate Potato Day by doing all things potatoes for Large Group next week!  

Here is the learning card:

And some pictures of our BIG dice:

Last, our giant Mr. Potato Head:

We will be working on answering yes/no questions and labeling body parts.  Our weekly handout is a wonderful one from Speech and Language Kids about working on yes/no questions with children!  Enjoy.

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