
Thursday, February 20, 2014

Our Preschool Ball

It is probably no surprise that in several of our classes we have many, many girls who are all about princesses.  Each day they play with the princess dolls, dress up like princesses, draw or color princesses… etc. etc..  So to support that interest, and celebrate the fact that we have so many girls in the preschool this year (YAY!), we are doing a very girlie Large Group next week.  It will be everything pronouns as well!  Here is our learning card:

We will first talk about what a "Royal Ball" is and then watch a few seconds of this video from YouTube:

Next, we will each get a prince or princess mask to wear during our Ball.  We will focus on the pronouns "he" and "she" to announce each prince or princess:

While dancing with partners, we will focus on the pronoun "they."  We will dance to this collection of Disney Classics:

And if there is time, of course, some 'Frozen':

Last, we will play "Bibbidy, Bobbity, Boo."  Using our magic wand, everyone will take turns turing the group into something.  While pretending to be different things, we will focus on the pronoun, "we."

Since we will focus so much on pronouns, our weekly handout is another simple, but great one on teaching pronouns to little ones.  It is from Speak Listen Play.  Also, check out this post from a past Large Group that also has a wonderful handout on teaching pronouns!

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