
Thursday, May 1, 2014

Better Hearing and Speech Month

This month is Better Hearing and Speech Month (BHSM)!  I am so excited to share information about this annual event, because it is all about raising awareness for my profession as an SLP and the disorders I treat.  Recently, ASHA has started a wonderful campaign called Identify the Signs.  I will be posting a lot about how to identify the signs, so be sure to check back all throughout the month of May! 

For information about children's language, has wonderful information about early childhood development.  Check out this page and click on your child's age range.  Not only do they give some great guidelines of what your child should be doing, but also some ideas on how to further your child's language development.  Overall, you can view this page to learn more about other communication disorders.  

If you would like to spread awareness, go to this wonderful list that ASHA put together on ways to get involved.  There are also some fun perks this month, including discounted or free apps at SuperDuper Inc., Smarty Ears, PocketSLPHamaguchiSounding Board, Smart Apps For Kids, and Smart Apps For Special Needs.  This handout from Super Duper includes some information about BHSM as well as a coloring page to get your little one involved as well.  Be sure to check back often this month because I will be posting a lot more about BHSM, Identify the Signs, and other fun freebies or information.

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